PatternFly Elements - Home PatternFly Elements v2 prerelease v1



Band is a container component that provides a set of slots in which to render banded content.

Header Slot

This content is in the main slot. Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata dolor sit amet.

Aside slot

Content for a card that is in the aside slot.

This is the footer slot.

Learn more


npm install @patternfly/pfe-band


  <h2 slot="pfe-band--header">Header Slot</h2>
  <p>This content is in the main slot. Consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt ut labore et dolore magna aliquyam erat, sed diam voluptua. At vero eos et accusam et justo duo dolores et ea rebum. Stet clita kasd gubergren, no sea takimata dolor sit amet.</p>
  <pfe-card slot="pfe-band--aside" color="lightest">
    <h3 slot="pfe-card--header">Aside slot</h3>
    <p>Content for a card that is in the aside slot.</p>
  <div slot="pfe-band--footer">
    <p>This is the footer slot.</p>
      <a href="#">Learn more</a>


All slots other than pfe-band--body are optional. If the slot is not defined, the container tag for it will not be rendered in the template.


This slot renders at the top of the container and generally contains the title, headline, and/or subheadline content. Other possible candidates include a set of social sharing links or tags that describe the content below. The template is automatically wrapping this slot in a header tag. Recommend using h-level or p tags inside this slot.

Default slot

This unnamed slot should contain the bulk of the content in this element. The template is automatically wrapping all content within an article tag.

This slot is typically used for calls-to-action or footnotes and is pushed to the bottom of the container. Recommended tags include pfe-cta.The template is automatically wrapping this slot in a footer tag.


This slot is for content that should be rendered to the right or left of the default slot on desktop. Asides often contain pfe-card or interest forms which provide users a little more information or context for the band. The template is automatically wrapping this slot in an aside tag.



Options include darkest, darker, accent, complement, lighter, lightest. The band has a default value of #dfdfdf. Your theme will influence these colors so check there first if you are seeing inconsistencies.


Optional background image applied to the entire band container. Alignment of this image can be managed using the --pfe-band--BackgroundPosition variable which is set to center center by default.


Optionally adjusts the padding on the container. Accepts: small.

Aside settings

The aside settings have defaults and if no attribute is defined on the element's main tag, these attributes will be injected with their default values automatically.


This influences where the aside is rendered at the desktop view and are indicated relative to the body content. Options are right or left. Right is the default.


This influences the position of the aside in the mobile view as well as where in the DOM the aside markup is rendered. These names are relative to the body content. Options are top or bottom. Bottom is the default.


This influences the height of the aside region relative to the body content. Options are full or body. A full height starts at the top of the band and spans the header, body, and footer regions. A body height spans the body and footer regions only with the header region sitting above it in the rendered view. Body is the default.





Styling hooks

Vertical and horizontal padding

--pfe-band--Padding--vertical and --pfe-band--Padding--horizontal accept size values such as px, em, rem, etc.

Background color

Though using the color attribute is strongly recommended when setting the background color for the band, you can also use completely custom colors by updating the --pfe-band--BackgroundColor variable. If you update this value manually, you should also update the --theme context variable to invoke the right theme on it and it's child elements. Supported themes include: light, dark, and saturated.

Background position

This is designed for use with the img-src attribute to allow you to align your background image. Default value is center center.


This allows the customization of a border around the entire container and is primarily designed to be used to add a top and/or bottom border line. This variable accepts the entire border shorthand and is set to transparent by default.


The band has a rudimentary layout system designed to be used inside the slot regions for the header, body, footer, and aside. It uses the CSS grid spec and creates a stacked layout by default. By updating these values, you will be able to create simple grid layouts. Please note that these do not include fallbacks for older browsers.

Possible values include: 1fr 1fr, repeat(3, 1fr), repeat(auto-fill, minmax(300px, 1fr))