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Versions v3 v2 v1


A card is a square or rectangular container that can contain any kind of content. Cards symbolize units of information, and each one acts as an entry point for users to access more details. For example, in dashboards and catalog views, cards function as a preview of a detailed page. Cards may also be used in data displays like card views, or for positioning content on a page.


We recommend loading elements via a CDN such as JSPM and using an import map to manage your dependencies.

For more information on import maps and how to use them, see the import map reference on MDN Web Docs.

If you are using node and NPM, you can install this component using npm:

npm install @patternfly/elements

Then import this component into your project by using a bare module specifier:

import '@patternfly/elements/pf-card/pf-card.js';

Please Note You should either load elements via a CDN or install them locally through NPM. Do not do both.


Cards are flexible surfaces used to group information in a small layout. They give small previews of information or provide secondary content in relation to the content it's near. Several cards can be used together to group related information.


This is the default card

Link in the footer


npm install @patternfly/elements


Basic cards



This is the compact card

Link in the footer
View HTML Source
<pf-card size="compact">
  <h3 slot="header">Header</h3>
  <p>This is the compact card</p>
  <a slot="footer" href="#">Link in the footer</a>

Large card

Large card

This is the large card

Link in the footer
View HTML Source
<pf-card size="large">
  <h3 slot="header">Large card</h3>
  <p>This is the large card</p>
  <a slot="footer" href="#">Link in the footer</a>

Rounded card


This is the rounded card

Link in the footer
View HTML Source
<pf-card rounded>
  <h3 slot="header">Header</h3>
  <p>This is the rounded card</p>
  <a slot="footer" href="#">Link in the footer</a>

Full Height card


This is the full height card

Link in the footer
View HTML Source
<pf-card fullHeight>
  <h3 slot="header">Header</h3>
  <p>This is the full height card</p>
  <a slot="footer" href="#">Link in the footer</a>

Plain card


This is the plain card

Link in the footer
View HTML Source
<pf-card plain>
  <h3 slot="header">Header</h3>
  <p>This is the plain card</p>
  <a slot="footer" href="#">Link in the footer</a>

Header images and actions

You can include header images and actions in the header slot, along with a title in the title slot. The following example includes an SVG image, and also includes a kebab dropdown.

Action Link Disabled Action Disabled Link
Separated Action Separated Link


Body Footer
View HTML Source
  <svg xmlns=""
 viewBox="0 0 706.3 132.5">
    <path d="M197.2 83.9V48.6h15.2c2.2 0 4.1.3 5.6 1s2.8 1.5 3.7 2.6c1 1.1 1.6 2.3 2.1 3.6.4 1.3.6 2.7.6 4 0 .9-.1 1.7-.3 2.6-.2.9-.5 1.7-.9 2.6-.4.8-.9 1.6-1.6 2.3-.6.7-1.4 1.4-2.3 1.9-.9.5-1.9 1-3.1 1.3a16 16 0 0 1-3.9.5H204v13h-6.8zm15.5-19.5c.9 0 1.6-.1 2.2-.4.6-.3 1.1-.6 1.4-1.1.4-.4.6-.9.8-1.5.2-.6.3-1.1.3-1.7 0-.5-.1-1-.2-1.6-.1-.5-.4-1-.7-1.5-.4-.5-.8-.8-1.4-1.1-.6-.3-1.4-.4-2.3-.4h-8.6v9.4h8.5zM271.6 83.9l-2.7-7.3h-13.6l-2.7 7.3h-7.3l13.5-35.4h6.7L279 83.9h-7.4zm-8.4-22.7c-.2-.4-.4-.9-.6-1.5-.2-.6-.4-1.1-.5-1.7-.1.5-.3 1.1-.5 1.7-.2.6-.4 1.1-.6 1.5l-3.5 9.2h9.2l-3.5-9.2zM317.3 55.2V84h-6.8V55.2h-10.1v-6.6h27v6.6h-10.1zM370.2 55.2V84h-6.8V55.2h-10.1v-6.6h27v6.6h-10.1zM408.5 83.9V48.6h24.1v6.5h-17.3v7.4h10.2V69h-10.2v8.5h18.4V84h-25.2zM462.4 83.9V48.6h16.4c2.2 0 4.1.3 5.6.9 1.5.6 2.7 1.4 3.6 2.5.9 1 1.6 2.2 2 3.5.4 1.3.6 2.7.6 4.2 0 1-.1 2-.4 3-.3 1-.7 2-1.3 2.9-.6.9-1.3 1.8-2.1 2.5-.9.7-1.8 1.3-3 1.7l6.9 14.1H483l-6.6-13.2h-7.1v13.2h-6.9zm16.5-19.6c.9 0 1.6-.1 2.2-.4.6-.3 1.1-.6 1.4-1 .4-.4.6-.9.8-1.5.2-.6.2-1.1.2-1.7 0-.6-.1-1.1-.2-1.7-.1-.6-.4-1-.7-1.5-.3-.4-.8-.8-1.4-1-.6-.3-1.4-.4-2.3-.4h-9.7v9.2h9.7zM541.9 83.9l-14-20.6c-.2-.3-.5-.8-.8-1.3-.3-.5-.5-1-.7- 1.3V83.8h-6.8V48.6h6.4L539.8 69c. 1 .7 1.4 0-.5-.1-1-.1-1.4V48.6h6.8V84h-6zM578.4 83.9V48.6h23.7v6.5h-16.9v7.4H596V69h-10.7v15h-6.9zM629.8 83.9V48.6h6.8v28.8h17.1V84h-23.9zM686.4 83.9V70.2l-13.1-21.6h7.7l8.7 14.5 8.7-14.5h7.7L693 70.2V84h-6.6z"/>
    <path d="m49 103-21.2 4.9L0 68.4 70 0l70 68.4-27.8 39.4L91 103l-21 29.5L49 103zm21 25.7 18.6-26.2-7.2-1.7-11 16.2-11.9-16.2-7.2 1.7L70 128.7zm.4-15.6 9.2-13.5L70 6.7l-9.5 92.9 9.9 13.5zm-41.6-7.7 18.8-4.3-13.8-19.4 4.1-9.3L25.2 55 58 14.9 2.9 68.7l25.9 36.7zm82.4 0 16.3-23.1 9.6-13.6L82 14.9 114.9 55l-12.8 17.4 4.1 9.3L92.4 101l18.8 4.4zm-21.1-4.9 13.6-19.1-3-6.9-18 24.3 7.4 1.7zm-40.1 0 7.3-1.7-17.9-24.3-3 6.9L50 100.5zm31.9-4.3 17.6-24.1-26.6-60.5 9 84.6zm-23.8 0 9-84.6-26.6 60.5 17.6 24.1zM39 70 66.1 8.5 28 55.1 39 70zm62.1 0 11-15L74 8.5 101.1 70z"/>
  <pf-dropdown slot="header">
    <pf-button slot="toggle" plain icon="ellipsis-v"></pf-button>
    <pf-dropdown-menu slot="menu">
<pf-dropdown-item href="#">Link</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item disabled>Disabled Action</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item href="#" disabled>Disabled Link</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item>Separated Action</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item href="#">Separated Link</pf-dropdown-item>
  <h2 slot="title">Title</h2>
  <span slot="footer">Footer</span>

Title inline with images and actions

Slotting the <h2> into the header slot, instead of the title slot will style it inline with any images or actions.

This is a really really really really really really really really really really long header

Action Link Disabled Action Disabled Link
Separated Action Separated Link
Body Footer
View HTML Source
  <h2 slot="header">This is a really really really really really really really really really really long header </h2>
  <pf-dropdown slot="header">
    <pf-button slot="toggle" plain icon="ellipsis-v"></pf-button>
    <pf-dropdown-menu slot="menu">
<pf-dropdown-item href="#">Link</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item disabled>Disabled Action</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item href="#" disabled>Disabled Link</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item>Separated Action</pf-dropdown-item>
<pf-dropdown-item href="#">Separated Link</pf-dropdown-item>
  <span slot="footer">Footer</span>


All slots are optional. If the slot is not defined, the content will be added to the body region of the card.


When included, defines the contents of a card. Card headers can contain images as well as the title of a card and an actions menu represented by the right-aligned kebab. In most cases, your card should include a header. The only exceptions are when cards being used as a layout element to create a white background behind other content.


Communicates the title of a card if it's not included in the header. If a card will be utilized as a selectable and clickable card, the title needs to be made as a linked text to trigger action and indicate interaction.

Default Slot

Body. Provides details about the item. A card body can include any combination of static text and/or active content.


Contains external links, actions, or static text at the bottom of a card.


overflow (child element attribute)

Optionally allows an image or element to overflow the padding on the container. This property should be added to the direct child of the slot such as on an image tag; should be added to the element that you want to overflow the container. Accepts: top, right, bottom, left.


Optionally provide a size for the card and the card contents. The default is set to undefined and provides default styles. Compact provides styles which decreases the padding between the sections. Large provides styles which increases the padding between the sections and the font size for the title, header, and footer.

DOM Property
'compact' | 'large' | undefined

Optionally apply a border radius for the drop shadow and/or border.

DOM Property

Optionally allow the card to take up the full height of the parent element.

DOM Property

Optionally remove the border on the card container.

DOM Property

DOM Properties






CSS Custom Properties

CSS Property Description Default
--pf-c-card--BackgroundColor #ffffff
--pf-c-card--BoxShadow 0 0.0625rem 0.125rem 0 rgba(3, 3, 3, 0.12), 0 0 0.125rem 0 rgba(3, 3, 3, 0.06)
--pf-c-card--size-compact__body--FontSize .875rem
--pf-c-card--size-compact__footer--FontSize 1rem
--pf-c-card--size-compact--first-child--PaddingTop 1.5rem
--pf-c-card--size-compact--child--PaddingRight 1rem
--pf-c-card--size-compact--child--PaddingBottom 1rem
--pf-c-card--size-compact--child--PaddingLeft 1rem
--pf-c-card--size-compact__title--not--last-child--PaddingBottom .5rem
--pf-c-card--size-large__title--FontSize 1.25rem
--pf-c-card--size-large--first-child--PaddingTop 2rem
--pf-c-card--size-large--child--PaddingRight 2rem
--pf-c-card--size-large--child--PaddingBottom 2rem
--pf-c-card--size-large--child--PaddingLeft 2rem
--pf-c-card--size-large__title--not--last-child--PaddingBottom 1.5rem
--pf-c-card--m-flat--BorderWidth 1px solid #d2d2d2
--pf-c-card--m-plain--BoxShadow none
--pf-c-card--m-plain--BackgroundColor transparent
--pf-c-card--m-rounded--BorderRadius 3px
--pf-c-card--m-full-height--Height 100
--pf-c-card__title--FontFamily "RedHatDisplayUpdated", helvetica, arial, sans-serif
--pf-c-card__title--FontSize 1rem
--pf-c-card__title--FontWeight 700

CSS Shadow Parts


The container for header content


The container for body content


The container for footer content

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